I'm taking a break from typing / splurting nonsense from my other blog so here I come pink panda theme blog :D Hooozah!
Ok. Entry kali ini akan menyapu bersih segala habuk dan sarang labah-labah kerana tuan blog pergi bercuti tak ingat balik ke pangkal jalan. Insaflah.
Masa tengah stalking blog kawan-kawan, I found some interesting facts.
Sebelum tu nak bagitahu. Saya bet jadi vegan for one week and I won woohooo. Lapar betul. Dalam kepala asyik ingat ayam ayam ayam ayam ayam. Rasa dunia ini milik ayam yang punya @_@.
Ok done.
Back to topic.
Kita selalu kata, kita tak kenal diri kita siapa. We're lost in our own world. Sampai kena pergi journey to find your true self. Talk about drama macam dalam cerita melayu tsk tsk.
Sebelum kita pergi ke topic, cuba rajin-rajinkan diri untuk check apa horoscope anda.
August 23 -
September 22
September 23 -
October 22
Okay? Dah tahu? If you're scorpians (lol) you're in luck cause' I'm scorpion too! :D Jadi entry kali ini akan cakap discuss pasal Scorpion. Kalau tak scorpions, nak keluar boleh. Tuan blog tak marah.
Sebagai permulaan mari kite tengok Scorpians physical feature. Like eyebrows, face, eyes, yadda yadda yadda, and etc. Ohh. Pemalas nya.
- Scorpions, generally, tend to possess a strong built body with middle stature, sharp features and a shrill voice(?) They have a broad face with wide forehead,thick neck and eyebrows. Their eyes are deep, mesmerizing and mysterious. Their personality is seductive(?)
Trolled so hard lolololol. First thing first. Funny. Okay seriously. Masa dia describe scorpians physcial traits I remember this kid;

hurrm. Very
indeed thick eyebrows. So, check yourself. Are you blood-related with this kid? PFFT.
Scorpions are extremely determined, ambitious and persistent. They love to work independently.
Ya betul. You hit the mark! :D Maybe it just me? Oh well. Saya admit that I rather prefer work alone than working with others. Talk about anti-social pfft. Generally, Scorpians tak suka if their final works kena kritik, orang bagi honest opinion about it or just nak sakitkan hati like, "dude, your work macam pedobear step on it!" LOL. Warning. Be prepared kalau anda sakitkan hati Scorpians. Bisanya bisa membunuh and anda tak mungkin dapat perbetulkan keadaan kembali seperti sedia kala. (Cause' I've done it. I'm a hard-core dude! So don't mess around with me)

"bring it on,"
Scorpions are famous for their brilliant minds and shrewd intellects. They are excellent at solving puzzles and mysteries.
...NO I'M NOT.
okay fine! Maybe you are. HAPPY?!
Scorpions can therefore, be the worst and best of both worlds. They are clingy and independent, weak and authoritative, cold and loving.
Scorpions do have some negative points. They are overbearing, jealous, possessive, suspicious, quick-tempered, obstinate and ruthless. They can be moody, insulting, secretive and intolerant. Some people think they are sadistic, cunning and dangerous.
This is getting scarier. This things keep on reading my mind. Moody? Totally true. Sometimes, boboy like, "What is wrong with you dude? Kejap marah kejap senyum! Nuts! Nuts!" panng kena death glare sebijik. Terus senyap.
Insulting? Yeah. I've done that. But bukan macam, "IN YO FACE! HAHAHA" no. No. I'm quite polite :) ; As in masuk bilik terus kutuk mutuk (?) and then after that baru rasa pheww lega. Or ayat berlapik tapi kalau orang yang dikutuk itu dense as brick tak paham, nothing I can do. Get yourselves some smart brain cells man.
Jealous. PFFT. PFFT. Boboy dapat PSP dia nak juga PSP. Papa, sila highlight this :D !!
Dangerous. Mana ada. Panda kan comel *___^ tak dangerous pun.
They are always quick in decision-making and tend to gather wealth. Scorpions are usually known for making money and hiding it. They are quite conservative about spending the money.
Mark that. known for making money and hiding it
Orang kata, orang macam ni kedekut
atau kentut. Maybe Yes or maybe Not. I am 50% 50%. Why?
Sebab my dearest brotha pinjam duit RM10 nak bayar tambang teksi tak bagi balik. HIGHLIGHT THAT PLEASE. Yang RM50 I overlooked it sebab alasan macam-macam so dah generous dah ni buat tak tahu. ^___^ (sadistic)
Jadi, jangan selalu buat assumption melulu. Maybe ada sebab mereka ini pandai cari duit tapi simpan kerana ;
1. for future use
2. sick and tired of this 'pinjam and gone'
3. suka tengok dompet / bank penuh dengan $$$
4. penat tau cari duit :(
5. bau duit itu harum
6. We want to be flithy rich baby!!!
Scorpios are also termed as mysterious and secretive. This is true, as the Scorpio woman keeps her secrets and will not like to share them even with her partner. Therefore, as a friend, a trustee or a partner, you can share your secrets with this woman and she will keep them safely to her heart
:') You can trust me.
They often mistaken as being self-centered and cold. But, on the contrary, they care lot about their near and dear ones and sometimes may even go out of the way to help and support them.
Ooh this "Sombong nya budak tu" thing. It hurts my heart everytime I hear someone says that. We just don't know how to express our gratitude to others so we tend to keep it within ourselves. Please don't treat us like 'huh sombong'.
Although not social animals, on the contrary, Scorpios are very reserved and more of listeners than speakers. These individuals are also independent and hate being pushed or dominated
Sorry. I'm not social. I love being alone. Hahaha. I called it, "peace and tranquility" duuh.
pushed or dominated
Yeah. We all tak suka kena ikut telunjuk orang. Kami tak suka orang suruh buat itu buat ini. Just shut your mouth up and we'll do our thing. Just don't get in our way. WE HATE IT. We? Oh I mean, ME teehee.
One should note that a Scorpio never forgives and forgets
Kami dalam "revenge and revenge" society. We love fight. HAHAHA. Oh god... =___=;
Mungkin Scorpians boleh maaf but not 100% maaf. Just, maaf 50% but god knows what you'd done to them, tapi Scorpians tak akan maaf and "okay, let's forget about that thing and build new life," no we're not. We'll keep it forever. Forever. *hunts you down*
Scorpio individuals are fiercely protective and possessive about their loved ones. A Scorpio parent is equally possessive about his/her kids as they are their beloved ones.
Having a nice talk with my friends over the other blog and we came up with this yandere terms to me as Scorpians. Yandere or
ヤンデレ derives from Japanese words and it means
this tapi tak hard core sangat kot? Really? Tak ada sampai guna kapak or what. No No No...Really? *doubtful* Teehee.
(somehow this entry jadi macam "how to survive tips" pulak @_@ )
This is so funny I can't stop laughing. Typical duuh.
Don't Even Think of Starting a Conversation with a Pick up Line!
You walk up to her and say, 'I don't mean to bother you but I think you are beautiful'! Well, if you are expecting a smile or a blush on her face, then that is not what you will get! Do you have any idea how many times she would have come across this line? So if you have to start a conversation with her, just be genuine. Starting a conversation with a pick up line would ruin your chances even before getting into the game.
Susah betul nak handle dua blog ni. Rasa macam VIP ( very idiot person ) pula tapi tak apa. InsyaAllah, akan update. Jangan sedih-sedih.
Duduk diam diam tau.